Welcome to the Darkside...

...join me, Akasha Savage, as I brave the deepest dungeons and scale the misty mountains to achieve my dream: to see my novel Bathory in print. I will take you by the hand and keep you beside me as I cross this uncharted territory...

...let us step into the moonlit darkness together...

Wednesday, 6 April 2011

Pirates of The Caribbean 4 Official Trailer

The bit at the end of the trailer where the wagon is on fire is the bit I saw being filmed!! Yay!!!


  1. I dunno. Not excited over this one. That third movie really soured me on the franchise.

  2. Rabid Fox ~ I AM soooooooo excited!!!! :D

    Onipar ~ Zombies are always a good thing!

  3. I saw the preview and will probably watch it. I like the character a lot though he seems to have mined almost all it is worth
